The sign members of Libra are interest in the partnership, communication and exchange of views.
They need to share joy and sorrow with another person; otherwise the joy would seem inferior, and grief – especially bitter.
Libras has a strong desire for justice and fairness, they want everything to be in balance therefore they are often indecisive and hesitant.
LIBRA birthstone :
September, 21 – chrysoprase September, 22 – coral September, 23 – jade September, 24 – malachite September, 25 – hematite September, 26 – aventurine September, 27 – citrine September, 28 – beryls September, 29 – chrysolite September, 30 – opal |
October, 1 – jadeite October, 2 – cat’s eye October, 3 – topaz October, 4 – diamond October, 5 – jade October, 6 – hessonit October, 7 – agate October, 8 – carnelian October, 9 – topaz October, 10 – cat’s eye October, 11 – spinel |
October, 12 – amazonite October, 13 – chrysoberyl October, 14 – almandine October, 15 – rhodonite October, 16 – rhinestone October, 17 – zircon October, 18 – diamond October, 19 – amethyst October, 20 – lapis lazuli October, 21 – charoite October, 22 – diamond |
Birthstone for September and October:
malachite, jade, rhodonite, rubellite
Not recommended gemstones for zodiac sign Libra:
LIBRA zodiac gems horoscope
In order to understand and fully enjoy their Ego, a person must establish contact with other people. Otherwise he would feel himself as a separate part of some integrity, as one side of the scales, and therefore he would be forced to find a soul mate in the world.
Lack of self-sufficiency makes the sign of Libra vulnerable and difficult to implement the creative energy of the sun. Amulet of malachite may become “the stone of health” for Libra, a talisman that gives protection from various maladies.
The energy of the Sun in Libra is emitted briefly but by powerful impulses, and the owners of the Sun in the sign are big fans of sharp and visible actions. They keep trying to make something important in order to attract the attention of others, to demonstrate their own merits and as a result, perhaps, to attract the second half.
For this reason Libras are fans of society, they always need a range of potential listeners, audience and partners.
The decision making is perhaps the most perplexing issue which the representatives of the sing could meet. Libra members can oscillate infinitely and consider opinions of others. In fact, Libras prefer someone else to make a decision, but they can t afford to lose the initiative in the matter.
As a result, Libra makes a decision, and outwardly he may look very assertive in his actions, but in my mind they often act from prospective of another person.
Libra thinks: “Man, who is of big authority for me, most likely would have acted this way. Perhaps I should do the same “- and sign members find this idea secure.
You can present the representative of the Libra with the talisman made from rubellite, these stones have a projective energy Yang, which has a beneficial influence on the body and mind, and helps to combat anxiety and fear.
The health of the owners of the Sun in Libra may largely depend on their success in relationships and social life, as well as on their ability to express themselves in some creative activity.
Incidentally, it is the creative activity such as painting or other art forms will compensate the lack of real partner for the sign, since Libra could refer to an imaginary partner, ideal and sublime. The amulet of rhodonite will enhance a love of life for the sign. If the solar energy will be restrained in the sign, it would make Libra conflicted and oscillating from one extreme to another.
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